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If not Demand Response, then what?

If not Demand Response, then what?

‘Demand Response’ continues to get increased attention in the Australian media. It is interesting that even when discussing this activity outside of utilities, we have retained the term Demand Response. I don’t know why. Demand Response, or DR, as we call it, is...
The importance of good program design in Demand Response

The importance of good program design in Demand Response

Demand Response (DR) is finally starting to pick up momentum in Australia. We have an opportunity to get it right the first time, to learn from others and not miss out vital steps. The idea of Demand Response is to reduce or shift energy use during a particular...
What role should energy companies play in connected homes?

What role should energy companies play in connected homes?

I have written about the connected home, and how the giant is now awakening.  Both startups and established players are entering this space with everyone from home entertainment to white goods manufacturers.  Those of us in the energy industry need to ask ourselves,...