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Is your smart meter actually smart?

Is your smart meter actually smart?

I have lost count of the number of debates I have had around what makes a meter smart.  Sure, a meter that can remotely capture consumption data at short intervals, can be remotely read, can be told to connect and disconnect, and can receive instructions to upgrade is...
Will embedded networks pose a risk to regulated utilities?

Will embedded networks pose a risk to regulated utilities?

Embedded networks pose a growing revenue risk to regulated utilities around the world, especially utilities that operate in densely populated areas with an increasing proportion of apartment buildings. Australia’s Energy Market Operator defines embedded networks...
Using smart meters to help you move house.

Using smart meters to help you move house.

In our book, utilidocs®: building blocks to a digital utility, we provide insight into every stage of the smart metering and demand response journey. In the coming weeks, I will share some of the services detailed in our book that become possible as a result of smart...