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utilidocs: subscription-based demand response

utilidocs: subscription-based demand response

In our book, utilidocs®: building blocks to a digital utility, we provide insight into every stage of the smart metering and demand response journey. In this post, I wanted to share one of more than 100 services, detailed in the book, that become possible as a result...
Customers want value, not compliance.

Customers want value, not compliance.

For most of my career, I have found myself in roles where I face the challenge of achieving value over mere compliance. When I worked in architecture, I tried to introduce practical steps to reduce enterprise debt as opposed to following a strict framework that saw...
Be authentic – design from the outside in

Be authentic – design from the outside in

Three weeks ago I was running a course on innovation at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok. While planning my lecture on ‘designing from the outside in,’ I received a message from LinkedIn. The timing could not have been better for my subject...
Smart Metering Maturity V – Automation

Smart Metering Maturity V – Automation

In this, the fifth and final stage of my smart metering maturity series, we look at automation – from the perspective of the utility using automation to help the customer achieve the lowest possible bill with no change to their lifestyle. They essentially...