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Smart Metering Maturity: Stage II – Reducing Costs.

Smart Metering Maturity: Stage II – Reducing Costs.

In every smart metering business case, that I have seen, the Utility attempts to justify its investment based on reducing costs. The specific areas where a Utility will try to reduce cost will vary. In the early days of smart metering, the focus was on looking at...
Smart Metering Maturity: Stage I – Containing Cost

Smart Metering Maturity: Stage I – Containing Cost

Containing cost is the first of five stages of our Smart Metering Maturity Model. As a Utility, you should start this stage way back when you are first defining the scope of your program and tendering for your solution. It is at the point of putting ink to paper that...
The 5 stages of smart metering maturity

The 5 stages of smart metering maturity

I often get asked, “what should I focus on when starting out with smart meters to deliver the most value?”  I get a look of surprise when I say “contain costs.” People expect me to start reeling off benefits like reducing their cost to serve,...