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Part IV (cont): consumer side Demand-Response technologies

Part IV (cont): consumer side Demand-Response technologies

Last week I talked about the back-office capabilities required to deliver a Demand Response program. In this second half of the post, I talk about technologies on the consumer side. Automated Demand Response (ADR) is relatively mature for Commercial and Industrial...
Part II: Why you need a Demand Response strategy

Part II: Why you need a Demand Response strategy

In my last post, I described what I believed Demand Response is, and isn’t. I described Demand Response as being where a third party, such as a Utility, has a need for a consumer to reduce their electricity during a specified period. In this post, I explore why...
Part II: Why you need a Demand Response strategy

Part I: Understanding what demand response is and isn’t

In this first of a five-part series I want to focus on the meaning of key terms. I continue to have conversations where people are using demand side management, demand response, energy conservation, and energy efficiency interchangeably. They all mean different...