by Wayne Pales | Oct 18, 2018
Let’s look back on your DR journey so far…. You have spent time defining why your organisation is exploring demand response, and you have a vision that it will be a core part of your business operations at some point in the future. You are piloting a range of demand...
by Wayne Pales | Sep 27, 2018
When developing Demand Response strategies, we talk about knowing why you are embarking on such a journey, deciding what services you will introduce and how you will introduce them. We need to also talk about the timing and when these services will be scaled out. I...
by Wayne Pales | Sep 20, 2018
There remains no globally agreed definition for the terms Distributed Energy Resources (DER), and Demand Response (DR) and, like many other ambiguous terms in our industry, you may be thinking so what! Without clearly articulated and agreed definitions you run the...
by Wayne Pales | Sep 12, 2018
The most important activity when starting your demand response journey is to know your why. Within my CLASS framework, discovering your real why is one of the first activities, and to this day it remains the most challenging. Utility professionals usually start this...
by Wayne Pales | Sep 4, 2018
In recent weeks I have described the four steps of the CLASS framework for demand response. During the months when I was developing this framework, there was something constantly nagging at me. While the four steps of Clarify, Lead, Articulate, and Solve would deliver...
by Wayne Pales | Aug 29, 2018
Solve is the fourth step in the demand response CLASS framework and is where you move into detailed design and implementation; it is the ‘how’. For many of us, and often to our detriment, ‘solve’ is the first step we take. After all, a large percentage of...